PLL synthesis design; worked great with almost no interference; no interruption or decrease in sound quality; no more yelling for people to hear; T130S-T131S is the upgraded model of T130-T131; this upgraded model and the old version are universal
Upgrade tour guide system; D-shaped headphone accessories; universal headphone for left and right ears; relieve the pain of wearing one ear for a long time; ear-hook design; no need to enter the ear; clean and hygienic; reusable and has good sound quality
Longer transmission distance; working range up to 100m/328ft in open area; this means the interpreter can move around and the audience can hear perfectly and clearly; translation device with headset is easy to set up and use; quality of sound is great
Tour guide audio system with mute function; T130S transmitter to enter the one-touch mute mode; at which time the mute icon will appear on the screen; In mute mode; the transmitter's speech; the receiver is not heard; the T131S receiver can be freely adjusted to the volume you want
Long use time; the battery capacity of transmitter is 4200mAh; the receiver battery is 900mAh; assisted listening device for church working time is 20h; which can meet the long-term use of a single time